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Termin - 22. Mai 2023

Online-Seminar: European military spending harms peace and the planet

European Military Spending Harms Peace and the Planet - 8 June 2023, 5pm CET - Online Event

Steigende europäische Militärausgaben stellen eine Bedrohung für den Frieden und den Planeten dar! Wer sind die Hauptprofiteure der Kriegswirtschaft? Wie können Steuergelder besser verwendet werden, um auf die Klimakrise, Pandemien und vieles mehr zu reagieren? Darum geht es in einem Online-Seminar.



European military spending harms peace and the planet

Dienstag, 8. Juni 2023, 17:00 - 18:15 Uhr (CET), in englischer Sprache!

Referentinnen und Referenten:

  • Laëtitia Sédou, ENAAT (EU)
  • Sam Perlo Freeman, CAAT UK
  • Chloé Meulewaeter, IPB/Centre Delás
  • Wendela de Vries, Stop Wapenhandel

zum Online-Seminar anmelden 




European leaders, from French President Macron to the EU High representative Josep Borrell, are telling us that we have to enter a war economy, and that increased military spending and arms production are the only way to defend peace and protect European citizens from future "threats", including climate change impact.

Yet the increase in military spending in Europe, and the militarisation of the EU in particular, began long before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which serves primarily as a justification for accelerating a process already underway. Peace movements and environmental organisations are increasingly aware that their struggles are converging, and that militarisation, climate change and environmental degradation are inextricably linked beyond the well-known oil wars.

There cannot be decarbonization without global demilitarisation and reduction of military spending, in the same way that there cannot be peace without significantly reducing our impact on the environment and climate. Our planet can't afford further militarization and warmongering. War costs us the Earth.

Das Online-Seminar wird organisiert vom ENAAT (European Network Against Arms Trade) in Kooperation mit "Stop Wapenhandel".


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